What's in it for me?

“I’ve got a coach, but how do I know I’ve got a good one?”

As coaching grows in competition and gains more acceptance across all industries, it is becoming more important for coaching professionals to elevate their credibility and business reputation beyond a recognised qualification to help validate their coaching practice and improve their chances of securing clients. It's well documented that part of a clients selection process is how demonstrable their track record is and how they have influenced an individual or an organisation and so the Coach of Excellence trustmark reflects 'Client Satisfaction' as part of our accreditation criteria.

“How can I prove that my coaching has a real and tangible impact for your clients?”

We work with a wide range of coaching organisations and professional coaches who have helped craft our accreditation process that will guide you to:

  • Increase your commitment from your clients
  • Stand out and promote a coach of preference 
  • Widen your coaching network and opportunities


Which ultimately results in... 'A more lucrative coaching business!!'

How Generational Differences Impact Coaching

How great would it be if you could prove your coaching has a real and tangible impact for your clients... knowing that they had a proven track record that was backed by a wealth of client testimonials and measured success?

Click to Download our 3 Minute Guide which will explain how you can become a Coach of Excellence Today... We establish trust in those who empower change.

Want To Know How To Enhance Your Credibility By Becoming A Coach Of Excellence?

Simply click the button below to learn how to enhance your credibility in a competitive marketplace by validating your coaching experiences and influences beyond a formal qualification:

(Guide delivered via email)